Generations: Our New Series Exploring Egypt’s Gen X, Y, and Z

By Mohamed Karrem

Years from now, when history strikes its pen to tell the story of Egyptians, and how historians painted a portrait to our time to recount a story not even the most imaginative among us could have foreseen. They noted and wrote down almost every event and what happened then, but they have missed the most significant part of the story, they never mentioned how all these big events and aspects influenced and shaped the generations’ mentality and personality. Therefore we will take it from here and give the feeling a voice, speak the pulse of their hearts, and step inside the very soul of a people.

Who are Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z? We often use phrases or words that we don’t fully understand. Sometimes we even use words or phrases the meanings of which we are totally clueless. Simply all these terms are representing different kinds of generations such as, Gen X born: 1960-1980, Gen Y born: 1981-1995 (Millennials), Gen Z born: 1996-2010. So, we are going to demonstrate bigger generational conversations on topics such as differences, similarities, aspects, factors, and trends that shaped each generation. It might seem like a long era to be covered as a story, but if you are one of these generations it will become more of a journey from Shohada to Sadat station by subway. 

So here’s the deal, SCOOPEMPIRE will publish six articles each week for each generation. Five articles will cover the big events and the main factors that affected generations like ideology, economy, education, parenting, and trends. The last one will be published on the weekend to summarize the main attributes for the generation and make the perfect sense at the end.

WE SAID THIS:  Stay tuned!
