WATCH: Why Sahel Beaches Beat Every Other Beach

North Coast from different angle from Sherif Samy on Vimeo.


We love Sahel as much as the next person, but we need to admit that we sometimes take its beauty for granted. In fact, we take Egypt’s beauty for granted. We really do. But Vimeo user Sherif Samy has refused to let us do that to ourselves anymore as he posts an aerial video that shows North Coast from a different angle, and oh my, it is gorgeous. Some of us drive every weekend to Sahel, return to Cairo, and be like “meh, I had an okay weekend.” Well, there is nothing meh about this video. LOOK AT THE WATER YA3NY?!?!


The water in the video is literally a shade of turquoise so perfect it looks fake. Everything just looks very pretty, and thanks to people like Samy, we know that, and we need to always know that.



WE SAID THIS: Can it be the weekend already so we go back to Sahel?

