Featured Artists at Street Con Dubai
Street Con opens in Deira today until Feb. 15 for a 10-day urban art festival featuring 20 multidisciplinary creatives who will be realizing their vision all over the surfaces of the Al Ghurair Centre.
Expect interactive installations, post-surrealist street art, tag-team painting sessions, live figurine customizations and even a Kids’ Creative Corner. Add live music and street theater for a truly inspiring experience.
“Urban art is created by artists living, depicting or experiencing city life,” said Rollan Rodriguez (aka Evil Dogboy), curator of Street Con and founder of art collective Brownmonkeys. “This may be the illustration on your T-shirt, the design of your sneaker or the shape of your toys. The artist’s responsibility is to amplify these visual cues and reinterpret them.”
Check out who’ll be at the Dubai Urban Art Festival and a sample of their work, below:

Kathryn Wilson

Konan Lim

Also featured are Depikt, Muhaisnah 4 and James McCranie but you’ll have to hit up Street Con in person to see their work for yourself.
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss “Feminist Street Art of Cairo“.