The Don’ts of a Relationship on Social Media


So you love him? Really? How about you tell us just how much? #love4ever or #together4ever.

Okay, so how long have you been together? #happyanniversary #3years #mylove #life.

So you had a fight today? #pissed #angry #fight or maybe #disappointed?

Oh, he lied to you? A posted picture on Instagram saying “betrayal is the worst.” #betrayel #lovehurts #sadface.

So your love traveled? #misshim #cantlivewithouthim #longdistance #sucks. Yes, I know, it does suck!

Now don’t get me wrong, I am a huge Beatles fan, all you need is love, and I am a hopeless romantic. However, I am not for spreading love all over social medias, I mean, why not spread it in person? I get this generation is all about the hashtags and digitalizing stuff, but what happened to spontaneous acts of love? What happened to throwing rocks at your crush’s window?

Okay you probably can’t do that around here, but come on, there has got to be a spontaneous act of love that involves you getting off your computer or your phone and doing it in person. Love letters and sweeping women off of their feet are classics for a reason! They worked for years and they make great memories. Surely you won’t look back to a memory of yours, or tell your kids, about the time their father tagged you in a photo and wrote, “I will love you forever.”

Here are a couple of no no’s when it comes to social media loving:


1. PDA

When relationships last just as long as the flash does.

Should the focus of the picture really be on the two of you holding hands? Should you really pose when giving your loved one a kiss? Hell no! A kiss is a symbol of love and affection, it should be genuine and spontaneous, and not last until the flash happens.


2. Fighting in Public

Why? Just why?
Why? Just why?

It is quite obvious when a couple is fighting on social media. Suddenly you are posting sad quotes and your status revolves around you in a dark world with a broken heart. How about you mend that heart of yours in your own dark room without a screen or a keyboard? It’s more classy!


3. Anniversaries Are for Years



Alright, that's enough.
Alright, that’s enough.

So the word anniversary comes from annual, as in yearly! Which means “Happy one month anniversary” is actually an incorrect sentence. If you are happy you made it a month together, just text your man or go out. I get how sometimes you are overfilled with happiness and would like to publicly display your love, and frankly that is fine for annual events, or even the birth of your child, but not monthly.


4. Collage of Pictures

Is this really necessary?
Is this really necessary?

So your guy bought you a cake, a present, then gave you a hug, then you were shocked with your mouth wide open, you hugged him back and screamed when you saw your friends. What a story line that really does not need a collage!


5. Superman Engagement Picture

Again, why?
Again, why?

Congratulations on your engagement! Yes, that sure as hell deserves a picture to let people know and allow them the chance to congratulate you. However, do you really need to extend out your arm and point to the sky as if you’re about to infinity and beyond, aka the Superman pose. Taking a normal picture with a cute “Happily Engaged” caption will do the trick, I promise.


WE SAID THIS: Check out these LinkedIn No No’s.
