Where to Hire the Most Trustworthy Tour Guides in Anguilla
When you are planning to hire a tour guide for your next trip to Anguilla, you must find a guide who can provide you with the best experience. However, you also need to find a tour guide that you know you can trust. Good tour guides make it much easier for you to tour the island and enjoy your trip. Plus, these guides know the island much better than anyone else. Use the steps below to hire a tour guide who can provide you with a lovely tour that is also safe and exciting.
Does the tour guide work for your hotel/rental agency?
Your Anguilla private villa rental should provide you with a number of options including tours, activities, and event transportation options. The best thing to do is ask your host how they can help you find tour guides who will take you throughout the island.

You may meet people on the property who have been around the island with a guide, or you might meet a guide at one of the activities that
If you want to schedule a tour when you arrive at your Anguilla private villa rental, you need to let the company know when you can meet the guide for a tour. You may have fewer options if you wait to book your tour.
Schedule a tour with the tourism board
When you schedule a tour with the tourism board, you will get access to historic sites or controlled sites. There are many locations around the island that are on government property. A government tour guide or ranger can take you onto the property that you want to see. A park ranger could take you on a hike to the more remote locations on the island, and they can take you on a boat to the outlying islands that are just as exciting.
If you are scheduling with the tourism board, you need to make sure that you have chosen a time that works with your schedule. The government does not have much flexibility to change the schedule if you need to alter your itinerary. The tour may be quite extensive, and a certain park ranger or tour guide needs to be available to meet you.
Schedule a tour with a friend on the island
Someone who has visited Anguilla in the past may take a tour with a friend who lives on the island. If you have met nice people on the island in the past, you may get a tour of the hidden spots on the island that even a tour guide cannot show you. You can ask your tour guide to take you to a place that no one has ever seen or you could go into villages where local artisans are honing their craft.
You may have a friend on the island who knows an excellent tour guide. These are fun tours because you get to meet a new person, you get to meet their friends, and they will show you their view of the island. A proper tour guide from the government or a hotel offers a sanitized version of a tour. However, touring with a local will give you a much more interesting look at every part of the island.
What about a helicopter or seaplane tour?
Helicopter and seaplane tours should be managed by a large company that you can research online. The tour must be flown by a licensed pilot, and you need to ask the company what the route of the tour is. You can research the company online, and you can ask where the plane or helicopter will go.
You get an aerial view of the island that you cannot get anywhere else. You may want to fly to other spots in the area that might be of interest to you. If you want to fly over the fishing spots where you might take a charter later, you should ask the pilot. Read reviews of the company online, and contact the local government to make sure the company is licensed to operate their aircraft.
Hire a charter captain to help you circle the island
You can go to the marina in a place like Little Bay, and you can get in touch with a charter captain who will take you on a tour around the island. The tour that you take may include stops along the shore where people do not normally go, fishing spots, and little coves that allow you good picture opportunities.
If you have gone out with a charter captain for a long boat ride, you should ask them if they can rent you the fishing gear you need. If you plan to go on a scuba diving trip, you should ask about renting scuba gear.
You can hire an amazing tour guide before you get to Anguilla because your host knows someone who can help you. You may hire the tour guide through the government because they will take you to a controlled property that only the government can access. You can schedule a helicopter tour, boat tour, seaplane tour, or scuba diving tour that will allow you to see hidden parts of this island that no one else has seen.