Egyptian Billboard Making Fun of Mothers-In-Law Receives Social Media Backlash

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Sunny received one hell of a feedback when their ‘Enty 3anes‘ (translated to are you a spinster?) billboard emerged. The company, as well as the advertising agency, had to explain their motive, which was merely a shocking message that tackled demeaning sexist stereotypes. Today, a new billboard with a new message got caught on social media and we can tell it is not going to be pretty.
This time, Uber is the one under social media attack after their new campaign went viral on Facebook, but for the wrong reasons.The billboard has a quote of “I didn’t have to drive my mother-in-law back to her house for 64 times,” while showing a woman in the back of an Uber.
Facebook user, Cherine Rachad ElQuesny, was the first to voice her opinion regarding Uber’s message. El Quesny expressed her objection and anger towards the campaign, which clearly spreads hatred, instead of respect for mothers-in-law.
WE SAID THIS: What do you think? Is this just another honest billboard mistake or the timing is just horrible due to Mother’s Day being really close?