Stigma Broken: What Other Mental Disorders do we Want to see Addressed in Upcoming Dramas?

The ‘Khali Balak Men Zizi’ series was literally the talk of the hour. As sad as we are that the intriguing and enlightening plot has come to an end, we’re definitely pleased that the Ramadan marathon entrenched such an artwork, rich in meaning and purpose. People have been praising the cast, author, and director of the drama for bringing three dimensional characters to life on screen, showcasing real issues and mental disorders addressed in a light context, that was easily digestible for both the general public, and the sophisticated audience. We’re here doubling the plea, as well as hoping that the concept of purposeful art and mental disorders tackled don’t stop at the “trending phase,” but continue and actually get implemented in upcoming TV dramas.


It’s interesting how millions around the world are battling with depression, yet we never see an artwork tackling the matter seriously in Egypt. It is often portrayed and embodied as someone who’s in grief, labeled as ‘dramatic,’ or ‘extra,’ without actually exposing the matter as a true disease that needs proper attention and treatment. Depression is more than just people breaking the glass or visiting a psychiatrist, only to be told and looked upon as maniacs who need to chill and get over themselves.


Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric disorder that occurs in people suffering from post-traumatic experiences such as, but not limited to, natural disasters, wars, imprisonment, and accidents. Although it was slightly addressed in the ‘3ad Tanazoly’ series starring Amr Youssef and Kinda Alloush, not enough spotlight has been shed on the matter. It’s a serious mental disorder that should be properly addressed, and raising awareness through TV dramas can be an efficient way to start normalizing going to therapy, and asking for help with PTSD.

Bipolar Disorder

Another mental illness that we need to see tackled on screen. Individuals diagnosed with bipolar can suffer from symptoms that include severe mood swings, where they can go through periods of extreme euphoria, only to feel hopeless and sluggish minutes afterwards. It also includes impulsive decision making, and having delusions that can’t be talked out of. Shedding light on this mental disorder, as well as ways of treatment, will surely spread a sense of unity and hope for people living with bipolar disorder.

WE SAID THIS: Together and through art, we can break the social stigma associated with mental disorders, once and for all!
