There’s a Superhero Called Super Ramadan Played by Mohamed Ramadan, Leeh Bas Ya Rab?
Ahhh, Mohamed Ramadan! The Egyptian action star has come a long way since he started his acting career; people lose their shit when his mosalsal-counterpart dies, there’s a beard style named after him… and now, there’s an actual Eid play with him playing a superhero called Super Ramadan!
Yes, you totes just read that! Super freakin’ Ramadan! Why ya Mohamed? Leeh ta3mel keda fil sha3b el Masry? The next thing we know, every Egyptian man will be out on the streets wearing capes with the Super Ramadan logo on it! Why? Do you understand what you’ve done ya Mohamed? Apparently not, which is why we need to talk about a few things before you embark on that superhero journey of yours…
First things first, your suit doesn’t even fit! El beta3 wase3 keda leh? Have you never watched Superman???

I don’t understand! Am I supposed to be impressed that you can jump men 3ala showeyet toob abyad? Is that your superpower? No thanks!

Nope! That’s not how a superhero poses! Just no

I’m not sure I’d ever want you to rescue me with those looks that you’re currently giving me right now. Eh da! 7asesny that I’m safe!!!

Again with the looks! STAHP!! JUST STAAAAAHP!!!

WE SAID THIS: Sorry ya Mohamed Ramadan bas keda keteer awi walahy!