Egypt Air Operates Longest Ever Eco-Friendly Flight

The world is currently on a mission to save the planet by using every alternate sustainable option available. Egypt just joined the global trend of using sustainable aviation fuel and broke records.

Egypt Air has successfuly operated its longest ever flight with the delivery of its fifth Dreamliner 787 from the United States to Cairo. Flight MS3330 used a 30 to 70 percent ratio of biofuel to normal fuel. The 10,973km flight from Seattle to Cairo represents the longest 787 delivery flight using sustainable aviation fuel.

“Our cooperation with our partners in success marks a big step in the development of a renewable jet fuel industry in Cairo, as we all have agreed on putting sustainability first – it is a project we are really proud to be part of as we look at ways to reduce carbon emissions across our operations,” stated Ahmed Adel, chairman and CEO of Egypt Air Holding Company.

The 787 Dreamliner was designed in hopes of protecting the enviroment with highly-efficient engines that reduce fuel use and emissions by 20 to 25 percent.

Another regional airline that has taken the eco-friendly road is Etihad Airlines. Earlier this year, the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium announced the world’s first commercial flight using locally produced sustainable fuel on an Etihad Airways Boeing 787 powered by GE’s GEnx-1B engines.

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