Different Ways to Devour Feseekh This Easter

It’s the time of the year where we get to eat the stinkiest food ever created. The pleasure that feseekh and renga bring to our lives cannot be put into words. Those who find it impossible to be around the rotten odor simply have no place in our lives this week.

Yet, the routine is killing us and we are definitely ready for some new recipes this year. After all, this might be the last salty meal we have till the end of Ramadan, so let’s do it right.

Here are some different feseekh recipes to try this week:

You can stick to your tradition and eat it straight from the open fish with bread

Via Dressed and Eaten

Feseekh purée. Add jalapeno, lemons, tahini, vinegar, spices, and blend.

Another recipe that camouflages the smell includes adding cumin, spices, garlic, onions, paprika, a whole lemon, olive oil, jalapeno, then blend.

Another unconventional Feseekh salad includes adding a boiled egg, baked potato, red onion, green onion, dill, mayonnaise, sour cream, and crunchy toast

Surprisingly, some people fry feseekh and add tomato sauce.

Or just make it easy for yourself and buy readymade Mexican feseekh with tortilla bread.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss “13 Reasons Why…I Will Eat Renga to Death This Weekend
