Daesh Urges Muslims to Destroy Their Satellite TV Sets Ahead of Ramadan

Yalahwi, you guys. Daesh wants to take Dhafer away from us.
The extremist group is urging good Muslims to get rid of satellite TV, which Daesh claims is “destroying their beliefs and polluting their ethics”. (Their proclamation obviously doesn’t apply to bad Muslims, because you know what they do to them…)
“The enemies of Islam are waging a media war on the Islamic State that is no less dangerous than the military campaign,” they said in a video posted on Tuesday, according to Reuters.
Specific satellite TV channels were singled out, including Al-Jazeera, Orient TV, Al-Nas and other religious stations funded by Saudi Arabia.
The Telegraph reports that the video specifically addresses residents of Raqqa and Mosul, warning them that intelligence agencies may use satellite dishes and receivers to identify targets. It also includes footage of these items being destroyed.
With their ever-so impeccable timing, Daesh’s statement comes as people across the Arab world are gearing up for a month of mosalsalat binge-watching that Ramadan is known for. The holy month is set to begin in less than a week, most likely on Monday, June 7.
WE SAID THIS: Have you seen Daesh’s magazine ‘Dabiq’ and how shockingly legit it is?