Proteins: The Building Blocks

Proteins are one of the three major macronutrients found in our diet. It is a large molecule formed of one or more chains of aminoacids. The range is extremely wide, from a single chain to hundreds or even thousands. They are simply our body's building blocks. Proteins are everywhere, from our muscles, hair, skin and body organs to being an…

Global Hand Washing Day

October 15th is Global Hand Washing Day! What?! There's a global day for hand washing? Yup. You might think it's a no-brainer, but clean hands save lives. Regular hand washing with water and soap not only kills germs that would make you sick, it protects you from transmitting such germs to other surfaces and people and making them sick.…

Antioxidants: Your Guardian Angel In A Bite

The human body contains about 100 trillion cells. 10 billion of them get damaged and replaced each day as the normal process of growth and repair or due to destructive processes, such as the interaction with a pathogen or a free radical. Free radicals are much needed by our immune system to combat microbial infections. However, their…

Help End Women’s Cancers This Saturday in Cairo

This one is for the ladies - and actually, lady-lovers as well! The Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt is hosting its third Pink Party on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Cairo Mariott Hotel in Zamalek. Enjoy fun music, Zumba moves and get informed about breast cancer. Such parties are held all over the world, with the aim of raising funds for cancer…