Act Now: Ways to Support Gaza’s Residents During Ramadan and Beyond!

Ramadan is truly the month of giving. Whether it’s sending donations or packing food boxes, everyone pitches in to help ease the lives of others.

This year, with the ongoing tragedies of Gaza, many seek to tap into the month of giving by directing their help and aid toward Palestine. These are the ways you can give back to Gaza during the holy month:

Donate to the Egyptian Food Bank

One of the many ways you can help the people of Gaza is through the Egyptian Food Bank. You can donate essential supplies for only 400 EGP. The process is simple: you can either call 16060 and have an organization representative come to your door to take your donation, or you can send a bank transfer to 888777.

Your 400 EGP donation will contribute to preparing a convoy that’ll consist of canned food, water, milk, and honey, which will be sent to people in Gaza. The 400 EGP will feed a family of five for two weeks.

Donate to the TFT Initiative

‘Together For Tomorrow’ (TFT) is a non-profit organization in Egypt that offers humanitarian support for all Arabs in need. Currently, volunteers all over Egypt work tirelessly to gather supplies and aid for Palestine.

They send everything imaginable, from women’s sanitary products and blankets to baby items and much more. You can help by donating to the TFT initiative’s official page and also seeing how you can volunteer.

Send Feminine Hygiene Products

Many women across Gaza are struggling with their menstrual cycle and end up taking contraception pills to delay the cycle. As a way to help, you can donate to the Egyptian Cure Bank, which is a non-profit organization that sends out feminine hygiene products as well as medication to Gaza.

To donate, you can visit the Egyptian Cure Bank’s donation page and send whatever amount you want, as any donation will help in a big way.

Send Medical Aid

Along with the food shortages, there’s also a major shortage of medical supplies in Gaza. To help, you can donate to several organizations, including the Medical Aid for Palestinians, a non-profit organization that provides medical aid to the Gaza community.

Provide an e-SIM to Gaza

Since the start of the genocide, the entire Gazan strip has been cut off from telecommunications on more than one occasion. That’s how Connecting Gaza came into being, an initiative spearheaded by Egyptian author and activist Mirna El Helbawi, whose sole goal is to provide Gazans with e-SIMs.

You can take part in the initiative by visiting the Gaza e-SIMs official page and buying one of three types of e-SIMs. But remember not to activate the SIM. The next step is to find the QR code, screenshot it, and send it to

These are just some of the ways that you can help the Gazan community this Ramadan. Each of these organizations is there to help offer care and aid to Gaza, and each donation helps bring them closer to that goal.

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