8 Things We Only Appreciate When They’re Gone

It’s human nature to realize how important something is or how much they really mean to us when they’re no longer around. More than often, there are things we take for granted only to realize we wish they could last longer or never be taken away from us in the first place!



1. Your credit



If there’s anyone I grew up hating, it was that woman who said “3afwan, lakad nafatha raseedakom“. It’s so annoying to be out of credit that you find yourself regretting every useless phone call you made and every call you made when you could’ve texted… especially when it decides to deplete in the middle of the night.



2. Your favourite pair of shoes



We all have that one pair of shoes that is our absolute favourite. It’s so comfy, it goes with anything and we just never want to take them off. Unfortunately, we put them on so much that when they’re worn out and need to be thrown away, it feels like we’re parting with a loved one.

Dear favourite pair of shoes, we know we never treated you the way you deserved, never cleaned you as much or took care of you properly, but since you’ve been gone, we’re at a loss for what to wear. Nothing makes our feet quite as happy as you did.



3. The last chunk of fries



We love fries so much we gobble them up taking them in bunches rather than ones, until that moment your hand goes to take the next fry, to find nothing there! Why didn’t we savour every single one? Why didn’t we get more? Why do they have to finish so quickly?



4. Your pet



Anyone that has a pet knows how annoying they can be. It sometimes feels like they’re too much responsibility, that they’re glued to you at all times or that you have to accommodate your schedule to their routine.

But losing a pet is one of the hardest things anyone can ever go through… It is like you’ve lost a family member, because after all, your pet becomes a member of the family. Cherish the moments, because their life span is not as long as ours and before you know it, you’ll be missing every little annoying thing they do.



5. The lights


Power cut in Jabaliya refugee camp

Switching on the light is as natural an instinct as breathing. We never think twice about it or realize how important the lights are until the electricity is cut off and then we can’t see, we can’t work, we can’t even move around without getting a million bruises from all the things we’ve bumped into!



6. Your salary



At the beginning of every month, we tend to spend money like we’re balling! And as the end of the month approaches, every dime spent on useless stuff is mourned…



7. Your maid



Finding a maid that is clean, punctual and doesn’t cost a fortune is practically impossible. But when you do find one, and you get used to waking up every morning to a clean house and having guests over without worrying about the dishes, it becomes so natural that you don’t think twice until the day she goes back to visit her family and never comes back and all of a sudden your life becomes a living hell!

You find yourself thinking: How did you ever manage without her? Or how can you ever trust another maid again!



8. The sun 



Being a country with excessive amounts of sun, we find ourselves cursing at it, the heat and anything related to summer! But on days when the sky is bleak and it’s freezing cold, we can’t help but miss the sun!



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss “11 Little Moments That Make Anyone’s Day Better
