What’s Going on in Syria, and Should You Be Worried?
In 2011 the civil war broke out in Syria, the country was making headlines worldwide but for all the wrong reasons. Yet still, before the war, Syria was once a powerhouse; it had a vibrant and bustling marketplace in its old cities of Damascus and Aleppo, it had one of the most sophisticated literary traditions in the world, with rich traditions of storytelling that dated back to thousands of years. Houses were filled with smells of bakeries and pastries that would just make your heart ten times bigger.
The war was the beginning of the end in Syria, it left the beloved country stand in ruins, ravaged by a war that is not only killing generations of Syrians but also eradicating all around it, including rich sites that have stood since the dawn of civilization.

Where seemingly the unstoppable war is about to enter its 8th year, with its heritage of more than five thousand years old being steadily buried under the rubble, the situation is not getting any better.
As just in, an American general delivered the bad news to his Syrian counterpart, and before I share the news with you, first I have to point out something; most of us when we hear about US troops are withdrawing from a certain area we might get excited “getting rid of a US intervention”.
However, now is not the case according to The NY Times, President Trump’s surprise announcement that the US is pulling its troops from northeast Syria could actually aid Assad and ISIS. Turkey, on the other hand, is going to begin its military offensive in Syria; Trump’s decision gave Turkey a green light to attack US-backed Kurdish forces, though Trump threatened to punish Turkey economically if it does “anything outside of what we think is humane” – according to the CNN.
We are all praying for Syria right now, the country is going through a very unstable period and t people of Syria deserve the opportunity to build a better future and to live in freedom.
You can always reach out and offer a helping hand, so please don’t forget to check These Organizations Are Helping Syrians And They Need Your Support.