The Unspoken Rules of a Relationship


Whether or not you have been in a long-term relationship or are still getting into a new one, every relationship has a set of unspoken rules – a list of things you should never do to your significant other, to maintain mutual respect and understanding between one another.


1. Swearing

While I know we practically swear between every other word nowadays, calling each other names is a no no. No matter how mad you are, none likes to hear that they are @#$%^&*.


2. Insulting the family is a no no

Even if you don’t like your in-laws or can’t stand your boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents, do not ever cross a line by insulting the parents. They are the people who raised the person you fell in love with.


3. The YOU becomes a WE

Since you decided to have a partner in life, some things in your lifestyle need to change. For example, taking big life decisions will involve both of you reaching a consensus.


4. Humiliation is unacceptable

Everyone has weak or sensitive traits in their personality. Never hold their weaknesses against them or use it to your advantage.


5. Never threaten or give ultimatums

We all have an ego, and usually when put in front of an ultimatum in heated scenarios, we will choose the option that hurts the person in front of us. So don’t just throw around ultimatums or use the words “divorce”/”breakup” in a sentence thoughtlessly.


6. Do not let others interfere between you

Neither friends nor parents should know what fights or hardships both of you are going through. It should remain a matter between the both of you.


7. Maintain a positivity ratio

If you want to look for the bad in anything, you will always find it. Try to focus your attention on the positive traits of one another, instead of constantly reminding your partner of their flaws.


8. What happens in the past, stays in the past

Tempting as it may be to bring up past arguments, it will not lead to anything good. Once an issue is resolved, it should be put behind you for good.


9. Compromise is key

Let’s face it, no relationship will work without a little sacrifice from the both of you every now and then.


10. Support each other’s dreams

Even if one of you wants to become a circus performer, there is nothing worse then having your dreams stepped on by your partner.


WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss “Seven Things Men Want in Women” and “Seven Things Women Want in Men“.

