The Government Kicks off an EGP 1.2 Billion Plan to Help Egypt’s Neediest Villages
By Muhammed Aladdin
With almost a third of all Egyptians living in poverty, ending it has become one of the country’s biggest priorities. For generations, the government along with non-profits have led a struggle against the ugly face of poverty that has made the lives of millions a nightmare, yet despite all efforts, it persists. Is this about to change?
The Minister of Planning, Monitoring, and Administrative Reform, Hala El Saeed, has announced criteria for the neediest villages, with a sum of EGP 1.2 billion allocated to raise the living standards there.

Cairo indeed could have one of the highest rates of poverty and slums in Egypt, but the villages of Upper Egypt have received the shorter end of the stick. Some districts in Sohag and Assiut lack fundamental public utilities such as clean water, electricity, and sanitation, while some other areas do not even have public roads nor schools.
On Saturday, Minister Saeed met up with Minister of Local Development, Mahmoud Shaarawi, and a number of governors from Upper Egypt’s Aswan, Sohag, Beni Suef, Assiut, and Menya to come up with solutions. The meeting has had the officials probing local development plans, pinpointing disparities between the different governorates.
The EGP 1.2 billion sustainable development program has been set in motion, serving 413 villages with a total population of 6.6 million individuals. The plan hopes to alleviate half of all suffering villages since 722 villages with the highest poverty rate are focused in Upper Egypt.

The statement underlined the government’s effort in combating poverty, affirming that all appointed officials are setting blueprints for full-scale development of Upper Egypt in line with Egypt’s aim to end poverty by 2050.