Six Wellness Practices From Around the World That Everybody Can Benefit From
More and more people are taking advantage of wellness programs and practices over the past few years. While there is a variety of these that are somewhat common, there are a few others that have been gaining slightly more attention.
The majority of this is driven by the fact that different areas and cultures have quite different wellness practices to take advantage of. Though many people will be familiar with yoga and other wellness practices, there are several that a large number of people may not have heard of.
North America
There are quite a large number of wellness practices used across the United States, with the majority of these being available at the Chicago Weight Loss and Wellness Clinic. However, one that’s become increasingly more common is sage smudging, although this is something that many people wouldn’t know too much about.

The practice has roots in Native American culture and involves burning sage around a room or apartment. By doing so, practitioners believe that they’re cleansing the area of negative spirits and emotions. As a result, the room should feel much more stress-free.
Iceland’s hot springs have become well-known across the world and have proven to be quite popular among tourists, although the locals enjoy them just as much as visitors do. The primary reason for this is that they can be one of the more relaxing ways of letting off some steam that many people will come across.
Many of the hot springs vary in temperature, with some coming with much more steam than others. As a result, everybody should be able to find one that’s to their liking.
South Africa
There can be a lot of things said about South Africa’s ubuntu, and almost all of these are positive. Rather than being a wellness practice, however, it’s more of a philosophy. Though the East Coast’s Zulu tribe initially practiced it, it has since spread significantly with an increasing number of people seeing the benefits of ubuntu.
In essence, this is a celebration of humanity, with practitioners putting a significant amount of belief in other people while doing no harm. As a result, they live much more of a stress-free lifestyle than many other people, which could make it one of the more relaxing philosophies around.
The term friluftsliv was originally coined in 1859 by a Nordic philosopher named Henrik Ibsen to refer to the practice of enjoying the outdoor life. Typically, this means that practitioners will celebrate nature in a variety of ways, although it doesn’t have to mean abandoning modern technology and life.
Instead, it means spending more time in nature and becoming a part of it. There are several ways that this can be done, such as long walks in the forest, fishing, and much more. As a result, practitioners should be able to promote a sense of well-being by taking advantage of their surroundings.
In Sweden, Fika is quite a common practice, with this primarily being because it has a variety of attractive qualities. As such, it’s something that can be enjoyed by anybody, as the term is typically used to refer to an extended coffee break.
This is something that quite a large number of workers could take advantage of, although it can also be used as a time to gather with friends and family. What sets this apart from a more traditional coffee break is that cake is normally involved.
There’s quite a wide range of yoga types across the United States, although India has a slightly more unusual one—laughter yoga. The wellness practice takes advantage of the endorphins, otherwise known as the happiness chemical, to promote a sense of well-being during the exercise.
While endorphins are typically created during real laughter, practitioners of this type of yoga have claimed that the body doesn’t know the difference between real and fake. As a result, the majority of them believe that fake laughter can prolonge the release of these chemicals, which should then result in a more stress-free environment.
Each country’s wellness practices have become popular for a variety of reasons. However, the most common of these is that they can each be quite beneficial for a large number of people.