Sharjah FNC Candidate Calls for Polygamy to End Spinsterhood
The Federal National Council elections are currently taking place and each candidate is currently trying to address th
As the final 495 candidates launched their campaigns on Sunday, one lady caused a social media backlash. Sharjah’s candidate, Khawlah Al Ali, used the slogan “For a spinsterhood-free society, say yes to polygamy” for her election poster.

A photo of the controversial quote soon went viral on Twitter and everyone had mixed reviews. Many thought the elections should be about promises of more job opportu
UAE residents described her message as medieval as many women are gladly single by choice. Others believed the candidate is making an honest electoral promise.
“I have always believed we should look at polygamy more subjectively,” Al Ali told The National. “Since I was a teenager I have dreamt of helping bring couples together and thinking about how we can connect people.”
The candidate considers herself a voice for men and women, including widows looking for a father figure for their children, divorcees and unmarried women. Al Ali added that if her husband needed a second wife, she would help him find one.
“I may satisfy his heart but not his mind, or the other way around, but he wanted another woman to fulfill his satisfaction, so why should I prevent that from happening?” she said.
Quite the controversial statements in 2019!