Moroccans Gather in Front of Embassies to Condemn Terrorist Attack For Slain Nordic Hikers!
Last week, the whole world witnessed a horrific terrorist attack, where two Scandinavian women were found dead in a remote part of the Atlas mountains in Morocco! The terrorists shot their victims while they slaughtered them and threatened to carry out more attacks.
Authorities initially detained four suspects after the bodies were found on Monday and said they were the same men seen pledging allegiance to ISIS in a video. Until now, thirteen men have been detained in the investigation.

Hundreds of Moroccans gathered on Saturday in front of the Norwegian and Danish embassies in Rabat in a candlelight vigil to honor the two Scandinavian university students. The people brought flowers and shed tears to show opposition to violence and religious extremism.
“I am deeply touched by the kind reactions of the Moroccan people after the tragic event,” said the Norwegian Ambassador to Morocco, Merethe Nergaard. The group first held a vigil in front of the Norwegian Embassy then quietly departed to the Danish Embassy, where again tears were shed and candles were lit in honor of Maren Ueland and Louisa Vesterager Jespersen.