Meet Cutes: The Moment Couples Just Knew
June 27 of every year is Decided to Be Married Day. It is a day where love is celebrated and a commitment becomes lifelong. Without further a do, on this unique, heart-warming day, we give you five swoon-worthy Egyptian stories.
From Sudan to Egypt With Love
We first met in Sudan at Cairo University of Khartoum. It was love at first sight for him but I just couldn’t stand Ahmed. He would bug and tease me like kids at the playground, he went to my sister and told her he had feelings for me. I still remember when he confessed that he loved me for the first time, we were playing Hangman and he picked up the paper and said, “there’s a letter missing, I love you so muchhh.” Our love was so special being the two Egyptians in a far away place, my feelings changed towards him and we got engaged and moved back to Egypt. We continued our education at Cairo University remaining engaged nearing a beautiful decade with our relationship becoming stronger by the day and him proving to me that I was terribly wrong for playing hard to get, I decided to marry him because he’s the kindest and most sincere man out there.

Birthday Sparks
I was wearing this yellow poofy dress, it was the 80s. I was at my friend’s birthday party. Standing near the table covered in gifts. He looked over at the cupcake of a dress I was wearing and smiled, but I looked the other way. When I got home, I learned that his mother had talked to my mom and he wanted to come ask for my hand in marriage. Once I learned that he was a cop, I became hesitant, but once I sat with him, I realized that he was funny and kind as could be. I still remember how shy his voice trembled when he asked me to marry him, “Amira, will you please marry me?”
Three Is Not A Crowd
Omar and I met at a party but I didn’t really notice him then. He went and spoke to his brother who was getting engaged to my sister and once they came over to our house to officially ask for her hand in marriage is when we got to talking. While I wasn’t fully convinced that we were right for each other, I would see that he would do everything in his power to convince me otherwise. Though he hated going to the movies, he would take me every weekend and call each movie he sees “that was something, wasn’t it? Is that filmmaker related to Yousef Chahine?”

Love Track
Music is what pushed us together. I was at a university event with some friends when I saw him DJing. I didn’t think anything then but I kept seeing him around; turns out we had the same friends. At one of his DJing gigs, he had a haircut and that’s when I started to see him differently, wanting to give us a chance and I was right, he was for me. Everything just magically fell into place; like he’s always been there, laying down tracks for my heart. It’s like he tells me, “If it’s not you, it’s nobody…it’s me and you in a nutshell.”
Ding…He Fell in Love
I worked on the second floor in advertisement and he worked on the seventh in finances, our first meeting was an unforgettable one. One of my checks had bounced and so I went in for an explanation that turned into an argument. I got heated and left but after that, I kept seeing him in the elevator; going up and down, he would strike conversations about random things like the weather until one day he brought the elevator to halt and looked at me, “that’s enough, you know I can’t stop thinking about you, ever since you turned that check into confetti.”

WE SAID THIS: Don’t forget…5 Stories Of Disastrous Dates