Jordan’s Green Initiative: Planting 10 million Trees In 10 Years
Jordanians gathered last week on one of Aljoun’s barren hills, and together, started planting Eucalyptus and carob saplings. The effort comes as a part of the Levant country’s initiative to plant 10 million trees in 10 years.
Forests make up only one percent of the Arab country’s territory, and one year after the other, this national treasure is being eradicated by fires that are often started by barbecues or carelessly discarded cigarettes. In 2020 alone, there were 499 fires in wood and forest areas, according to Jordan’s Agriculture Ministry.
“We must make up for what has been lost in the fires,” said Belal Qtishat, head of the nature protection department at the Environment Ministry.
The Minister of Agriculture, Mohamed Daoudia, joined volunteers in their reforestation efforts near the forest of Kufranjah, north of Amman.
Owing to the region’s climate, Eucalyptus and carob are the perfect choice, since they can survive with minimal amounts of water, compared to other species.
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