In Pictures: From Abandoned Warplanes to Pristine Scenery, This is Sinai 40 Years ago
On this day, April 25th, Egypt celebrates the 39th anniversary of Sinai Liberation Day, when Israeli forces departed from the Sinai region in 1982. After 15 years of a military occupation in the region, the area’s beauty still lives on as if unscathed by the horrors and trauma of war. The Israeli armed forces occupied the region in the 1967 ‘Six-Day War’ with Egypt, and was returned to Egypt as both nations ratified the conditions under the peace treaty signed at Camp David. As this peace treaty served to be the first one signed between Israel and one of its Arab neighbors, it laid the groundwork for future commercial and diplomatic relations.
Meanwhile, we decided to take a nostalgic trip down the South Sinai region as it once was almost 40 years ago. From abandoned and broken tanks and planes, to the pristine scenery we all love and the serenity it brings, check out these photos and witness Sinai through a vintage lens.

We’re grateful this region continues to shine and provide us with peaceful getaways from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Although several parts of the region have undoubtedly gone through major renovations, the bliss of the region continues to persist, encouraging high rates of tourism, deep sea diving, environmental initiatives, business startups, and of course, a mental break with nature by our side.