In Pictures: South Sinai’s El-Tor Gets a Splash of Color With These Stunning Folkloric Murals
A group of 25 students from the Faculty of Applied Arts at Helwan University took the initiative of beautifying the walls of El Tor’s new corniche that is yet to be opened. As part of their first practical project, and in response to an invitation by South Sinai Governor, Major General Khaled Fouda, the students added their artistic touch to the revamping that is already taking place in the city.
Once completed, the students will have created the longest mural in South Sinai.

The students, who were very happy to be participating in this initiative, painted murals that reflect bedouin traditions and folklore, Sinai art and nature, and most importantly, the people of South Sinai and their interests. They are expected to finish painting by Tuesday.

The city is launching several new national projects, like paving the roads, developing a desalination plant, and building social housing, all in efforts to improve the lives of the community of El-Tor. Since many of these projects are set to launch on the 17th of September, the students are committed to completing their mural before then.