Here’s What these 9 Famous Paintings Would Look Like if They were made by an Arab!
By Febronia Hanna
It’s not very hard to tell that most of the internationally famous paintings are painted by non-Arab artists and present non-Arab topics. Our incredibly talented Arab artists used their sense of humor and their pledges to the Arab causes to re-paint these highly praised paintings with an Arab twist.
The Mesmerizing Monalisa![]()
This might not come to your surprise that the Monalisa is the first painting that will be on our list. In fact, the Monalisa has other versions that will amaze you and make you burst into laughter. You will find, Monalisa the Chinese, the immortal, Monalisa the Santa Claus and you can even find Monalisa the Vincent Van Gough.
The Arab Scream
If the original “The Scream” didn’t portrait the horror and frustration state that really needed embodiment. This Arab version really portraits the real suffering of a simple man who is apparently afraid of that Baladi dog, screaming in the Egyptian famous panic word “YAMMAAA” and is walking by the river Nile.
The Liberty Leading The People
This painting is called Liberty Leading the People and from the first glance you’ll find out it symbolizes the liberation that came with the French revolution, on the other hand, we have the same painting retouched by artist Mohammed Al Hawajri. The Painting shows the pain and the determination of the Palestinians to take back their land.
The Kiss
This is the conservative copy of “The Kiss” painting. In the original, you can see the boy kissing the girl’s cheek and you can see her affected by it in a very sensual way. While in the Arab version you’ll find that the guy only kisses the girl’s hand and she smiles back in shyness.
The Last Supper by Leonardo DaVinci
While the Last Supper painting has a religious reference, it has not failed to be on the top of the list that people thought was a good idea to replicate and twist a bit. Both paintings have a warm vibe about them and some sort of familiarity.
The Buckwheat Harvest
In contrast to the harmony portrayed in the original painting; this painting showcases the restraints that Palestinians face while they are living their lives peacefully. The fighting versus the farming frames the idea perfectly.
Les Demoiselles![]()
This painting is called Les Demoiselles, it features five naked girls posing gracefully. The Arab version, of course, has them covered up in black paint. The black paint resembles Carina Bodywear that is so famous is the middle east right now that most people use to cover up the parts of their bodies they don’t want to be shown.
Van Gogh’s Self-portrait
This Arab Vincent looks like a Bedwin guy with a cigarette in his mouth and a firm look in his eyes, he brings pride to the Arab nation.
The Portrait of a Young Man
This portrait of a young man by Raffaello Sanzio reminds us a lot of the novel of “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. This is a painting of a man who wins at life and never gets old. This can only be compared to the legendary Amr Diab who will forever be young and handsome.