UPDATE: Haifa Wehbe’s Sister Is Not Going to Jail for Being a Pimp

A couple of days ago, the Lebanese Modesty police cross-examined Rola Yammout for being quite the pimptress, but apparently it wasn’t her at all. And since a) I’ve emotionally invested myself in her life, b) it’s too late to go back now, c) I owed myself the right to know what actually happened.
In her latest interview with reporter Hassan Rifai, Yammout tells us that it was a “fake account in her name,” so there’s no way now that she’ll be going to jail. She also has a lot to say to the people who accuse her of ruining the image of “Lebanese women.”
WE SAID THIS: Ugh, I’m gonna miss you, Yammout. Please don’t stop being interesting so I have someone to stalk!