Grocery Shopping Tips for Single People
While married people and young ones living with their families crave a sense of personal space at home, they tend to forget that they are privileged to be so taken care of. For centuries, single people have been complaining about something far more painful than finding a partner, and it’s properly feeding themselves.

You either shop too excessively and end up with rotten and expired food, or you don’t shop enough, starving yourself and then end up ordering junk food and wasting your salary. The struggle of balancing your grocery list is real and intense.
Here are some shopping tips because being asked by your aunt about your single status is hard enough:
Try to fill your kitchen with healthy hard snacks that have long shelf life like rice cakes and granola or protein bars that will fill you up in case of a hunger emergency.
Instead of buying pre-packed boxes of vegetables from supermarkets, buy the exact quantity that will suffice for five days from vegetable and fruit sellers. It’s cheaper and you can control the quantity, and always put in consideration the days you will eat out.

Important information to put into consideration is that some fruits and veggies spoil faster than others. Food that can tolerate being ignored in your fridge are apples, carrots, bananas, cabbage, beets, and celery.
Try to use simple ingredients in cooking that you will frequently consume such as lemon, vinegar, mixd spices, salt, and pepper. If you want to use turmeric or paprika once only, try to refrain from buying things that will expire due to lack of love.

Always consider frozen food that does not need any cooking, just a little bit of defrosting such as smoked salmon and frozen pre-cooked meals.
Eat before you go shopping. Buying food while hungry is a financial and household disaster waiting to happen.