Generations: A Scoop of Gen. Y’s Parenting

By Mohammed Karrem

How can the babies of Baby Boomers and Generation X be different from their parents?

Early in the Mubarak presidency (1986), more than 34% of the population was twelve years old or younger, which put the Millennials on top of the age demographics of Egypt, so don’t be surprised by how much they are different and alike in their lifestyle. You can easily tell if a Millennial is following the Baby Boomer’s or Gen Xer’s parenting style by their unlike behaviour and attributes, therefore the Millennials themselves have an expression for it to describe that, because if you are Gen Xer’s baby most probably you will be more “rewish” than the Baby Boomer’s Baby. 


Why most of the Millennials listen more to their friends than their parents?

We have already mentioned before the Baby Boomer’s parenting style and how much it influences their children, so let’s concentrate on the parenting style of Gen Xers who were too extreme in almost everything.

One of the open doors policy demerits that it left undeniable numbers of the Millennials’ babies with only one parent or even without both of them, even though it feels great to work abroad, but home is still home. So the uninvolved parent’s style raised highly dependent young children, full of behavioral problems, depression, hostility, and attention problems. Additionally, adolescents who are exposed to uninvolved parenting practices often perceive high levels of rejection and tend to exhibit more externalizing behaviors, aggressive behaviors, and delinquent behaviors, which left them digging more for someone or a tribe that can compensate for the parent’s absence.

Millennials will change the world

Believe it or not, but Millennials are the luckiest generation compared to other generations, and the reason is because of the digital age. Witnessing the world shifting to the digital age inspired many generations, but imagine if you were growing up with it year by year, that would raise you distinctively with a different perspective to the world. The constructive TV shows established a sense of purposeful life mixed with a deep belief that they can shake the world and leave it better than before. They were raised on thinking about the significant issues in society, surrounded by the success stories, and like father, unlike son helped to grow them independently.

Simply, the globalization gifted Millennials glasses to see the world, but they didn’t like what they saw.

