Father Boules George Sends Incredibly Humane Message to Terrorists
Just when Egypt started to feel like a safe place for citizens and tourists again, tragedy struck on Palm Sunday. A hideous act of terrorism in Tanta and Alexandria left 44 Egyptians dead, more than a 100 injured and families mourning.
You’d think that Christians would be scared to get near any of the churches; fearing another attack, but faith proved to be a much stronger weapon than any ammunition.

Social media has been flooding with photos of churches and hundreds of worshipers who fear absolutely nothing! It is an incredibly inspiring display of spiritual belief. One of the most powerful religious speeches we have ever come across was a message from Father Boules George that he sent to the terrorists.
Father George started his speech by thanking those who killed those innocent Christians as the terrorists allowed them to leave this Earth the same day Jesus did. He thanks them for proving Jesus right when he promised them to leave this Earth with faith as their only weapon. He thanks them for helping them bring back those who haven’t visited church lately.
Father George added that he loved those who killed the fallen victims as he, along with true Christians, believe in unconditional love. They love everyone no matter how much they hurt them as that is what God expects from them. He finished his empowering speech by asking everyone to pray for them; to see the light and experience love.