Faith In Humanity Restored: The Middle East Edition
While the Middle East may be a conflict-stricken region, it’s full of phenomenal humans. While there are those who are inhumane, humanity is not lost. The region has always has always been associated with negativity in the media, we want to show that it’s not all fundamentalists and oil, but full of so much passion and warmth.
This Libyan man full of goodness
Most Muslims around the world are ashamed of the horrid acts committed by fanatics in the name of Islam, a religion that promotes peace.
Visitors of this Saudi boy in the hospital
This Saudi boy who was hospitalized gets overwhelmed by the flood of visitors after tweeting that he doesn’t have any.
These messages to Ferguson from Palestine
The Middle East stood with Ferguson, condemning racism and injustice, concepts the Middle East knows all too well. Palestinians tweeted tear gas advice to Ferguson protestors.
Syrian refugee children spreading happiness outside the mosque they live in
An Afghan boy high fives a U.S. solider in eastern Afghanistan
Bakery offers free bread for those who can’t afford to buy
Muslim guy gives needy bus rider his shoes and walks home barefoot
The Unity of Egyptians
The media loves to provoke religious tension. This photo speaks for itself.
Iraqis sharing a woman’s sadness

“We told her to sit with us so we could share her sadness.” (Dohuk, Iraq)
An Egyptian woman kisses a police officer during clashes in the Egyptian Revolution
A Saudi man gives out free hugs to brighten people’s day
This couple…
The Egypt2Gaza Movement
Egyptians praying in front of Egypt-Gaza border after attempting to pass through with medical aid.
Turkish protesters stopped to relieve a stray dog that was accidentally tear gassed
A large number of Lebanese waiting to donate blood after a bomb explosion
Children standing in unity with Gaza
Two Palestinian-Syrians school girls in Canada hold up a sign saying “HUG A TERRORIST” in response to the civilian deaths in Gaza.
And THIS compassion…
Pretty sure this guy doesn’t live in the Middle East, but this compassion was too beautiful not to post!
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 8 Humbling Photos that Show the Resilience of the People of Gaza.