Breaking: Hala Shiha Is Officially the Hottest Actress in Egypt
I have always been a Hala Shiha fan since her role in Leeh khalitni Ahebak movie. I believe that every ’80s and ’90s girl would agree that the Egyptian actress left us all in awe with her serene and calm performances and that iconic Selem and te’aban movie breakup scene.
That scene redefined relationships. That one scene gave us endless content and comebacks while getting dumped. Hala Shiha made us feel better about not being loved by the Hany Salamas of the world. No, I’m not overreacting, and yes, she is that important.

Today, the actress who came back from retirement only to land a role alongside the man who leads ratings and the box office, Mohamed Ramadan, gave us another jaw-dropping moment.
Hala Shiha stunned Egypt with her latest photoshoot for 7 Ayam magazine. The outfits, the poses, that statuesque figure, that face, everything in that photoshoot is goals. May I remind you, Shiha a is 40-year-old mom!
And before you say it is photoshop or surgery, I’ve personally seen her twice working out at one of Sahel’s gyms and she is not messing around. Those curves are real, ladies! She earned them.