Lost In Florence: Back To Egypt

I'm Back in Egypt. Being back for the holidays is something I'm certainly not ready for. I mean, sure, I miss my family, friends, and Egyptian food, But what I'm really looking forward to is to miss Italy and leave Egypt again. Sure enough, the second I stepped into Egypt, I began missing Italy. It's not that I hate Egypt or…

My Name Is Delusional, And I’m Not A Realist

Speaking from a personal dimension, I admit that, most of my life, I've been avoiding eye-contact with reality. I've spent half my days hanging around in the dreamy world, whether it's fictional or self-created from the back of my head. And since starring at the wall for hours isn't exactly a sign of normality, a lot of people probably think I'm…

Lost In Florence: Today’s Compliments

I'm going to speak about something irrelevant to Florence today, but in order to get you on board with what I'm talking about i'll have to let you in on an experience I had this week. My mom's friend was coming to Florence for a few days, and I had to meet her and just say Hi out of courtesy (Yes, my mom forced me to do…

Satisfaction, Where Art Thou?

Back when I was in school, losing only a couple of grades in a test used to brighten up my day, which was enough to allow my sister to give me the poker face. Till one day, she told me that I should never be satisfied with the grades I get, because if I did, I'll never get past them, I might even find myself losing more. I told her that I don't…