Satisfaction, Where Art Thou?


Back when I was in school, losing only a couple of grades in a test used to brighten up my day, which was enough to allow my sister to give me the poker face. Till one day, she told me that I should never be satisfied with the grades I get, because if I did, I’ll never get past them, I might even find myself losing more. I told her that I don’t care -because I was too cool back then that this was my favorite phrase- but I held on to that thought.

I’ve learned that when you have huge dreams, you’re an ambitious person who doesn’t want to settle for mediocrity. Probably because you also don’t believe in the impossible. I’m fine with that, but what’s with the scenario that always occurs to mislead you when you have a certain dream?

Here is how it usually goes; you have a dream, about maybe becoming the new Felix dude, or marrying Mila Kunis the girl you love, you’re ready to do anything to get there, you take baby-steps towards that dream till it starts becoming blurry; but seen. It’s there, it’s present, you can touch it and now it’s going to happen. This is how the sense of achievement feels like. This is what overwhelmed means; this is how we define dreams.

In the midst of this accomplishment, the wicked human brain interferes, with a troll face on, and then BAM you start dreaming of something else. That’s even the best case scenario so far; because you may start dreaming of the complete opposite. Now that makes an awful dream. What is this confusion? Is this the kind of ambition my sister used to tell me about or this is just the selfishness of the miserable human self that refuses to be satisfied with life?

We’re not meant to be satisfied with what we have on Earth. It’s a one way journey that turns out to take place in a circular road. That’s why we’re always in need, never satisfied with what we have, always wanting more. That’s why men are hardly ever satisfied with one woman. We’ll always search for something bigger, more profitable, better, more powerful, something to make us stronger. It would be a lie if someone told you they’re satisfied with everything they have in life because humans don’t want it all; they want what’s more than all. It’s a human tendency; we were created that way, we were designed with a need that will only be fulfilled in Heaven which, for the record, none of us know a thing about.

So since we’re stuck for now, we’d better stop getting disappointed every time we find dissatisfaction knocking our doors, because I hate to break it to you but you’re not finding satisfaction anytime soon. Truth is, you’ll never be able to please your ego, this can’t be cured, but there might be another cure though. You can start overlooking what you lack and cherish what you have while you’re at it. You may wake up tomorrow and find yourself wandering in a land of nothingness; it’s all gone. Live with your dissatisfaction and embrace it. If it helps, you can look at the bigger picture; the history.

After all, if our grandparents were satisfied with what they had, we’d probably be still stumbling around in caves and eating raw fish that is not yet called sushi.
