In Latest Speech, Angelina Jolie Calls Out World Leaders In Defense Of Gaza
In a recent Instagram post, American actress and activist Angelina Jolie described the harrowing violence and inhumane conditions faced by Palestinians. She then went on to condemn world leaders for not taking action towards the genocide. Her exact words were, “By refusing to demand a humanitarian ceasefire and blocking the UN Security Council from imposing one on both parties, world leaders are complicit in these crimes.”

Her avid support of the Palestinian cause did come with consequences including her father Jon Voight publicly criticizing her on social media. Voight made it clear that he is disappointed in his daughter’s stance towards Israel’s attacks on Gaza. In his exact words, he went on to say “I am very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God’s honour, God’s truths… This is about destroying the history of God’s land – the Holy Land – the land of the Jews.” Despite facing his criticism, Jolie maintained her stance and continued to support Palestine on her official instagram account.
Speaking up against violence against humanity is nothing new to the actress. For more than 20 years, Jolie made it her life mission to aid people displaced by tragic violence across the world. For nearly two decades, she worked as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) where she traveled to countries like Sierra Leone, Iraq, Thailand, and more to find solutions for the people who were forced to flee their homes.
Her unequivocal support of countries facing major tragedies is refreshing and inspirational. With over 15.4 million followers, the actress’ support will not only reach the minds of many people, but it will also help counteract the ongoing pro-Israel ideology circulating in the media.