Unseen: An Explorative Project into Women’s Multifaceted Identities
Cairo undoubtedly consists of unsung heroes and hidden gems within it. Within it’s maze of art galore emerged Unseen, a collective exploration jumpstarted by artists Agnes Michalczyk, and Fatma Abo Doma. This profound collaborative exhibition will be taking from June 27th until July 14th, 2021, at the Access Art Space in Downtown Cairo. Featuring 35 works encompassing the theme of diversity and conformity, Unseen dives deeps into the exploration of women throughout their states of non-conformity, specifically in their states of mind and bodies.

In addition to the paintings that will be showcased at the exhibition, digital augmented reality, as well as a collage wall installation and video will also be installed for a more synergetic experience. “My art has always been concerned with the body, its form, its feeling, and its continuous change. I believe that women are more aware of the constant flux of the body by nature, but also by the constant insistence of the society to measure our worth through our looks,” Michalczyk said. Abo Doma also explains that women are “deeply drilled by the society” in regards to having to adhere and meet the standard and expected norms. As a result, many women often keep their troubles to themselves, and avoid any potential risk of daring to speak or recognize the issues flooding their state of mind. Abo Doma says this inaction on its own denies “a part of themselves.”
Abo Doma’s artistic expression primarily focuses on mental states, creativity, and the female experience. Throughout history women have often been mis-diagnosed or perhaps over-diagnosed with ‘female hysteria,’ due to their creative spirit, or for any other matter considered to be “abnormal.” Michalyczyk’s artistic articulation emphasizes mainly on the body, its form, and the ceaseless transitions it goes through. “I believe that women are more aware of the constant flux of the body by nature but also by the constant insistence of the society to measure our worth through our looks,” Michalyczyk said.
Unseen explore a complete revamping of societal norms that inhabit inclusiveness in shared spaces. Michalyczyk and Abo Doma met in 2009 and shared a bonding connection in regards to their outlooks on themes of diversity, conformity, and belonging. The upcoming exhibition can be considered a continuation of their shared perspectives into the abyss of unspoken multifaceted identities for women.