Afandina; One Ramadan Tent You Shouldn’t Miss Out On
Don’t we all just wait for Ramadan to enjoy its joyful and fun vibes? You walk on the streets and the vibe is always there, whether in family gatherings, restaurants and you know what too? In tents! Tents are actually the real Ramadan vibe that most of us wait for! And this year, we’ve got you covered with our favorite one this year, Afandina Tent at Intercontinental City Stars. Afandina Tent is opening today with its dazzling and joyful Ramadan vibes that we’ve all been waiting for. No need to search and ask around where you can eat delicious food and amazing music. And one important note for all corona-phobics, it’s an outdoor space so no need to worry! Now what are you waiting for, go have some fun at Afandina Tent! Plan Ramadan time this year with Afandina’s Iftar and Sohour!

All About Afandina Tent
Afandina Tent started in 2017 with an authentic Ramadan atmosphere to indulge its audience on the right track. Its success story continued during Ramadan 2018 with an Ottoman Empire mood. For the 3rd year running, Afandina dazzled us all with a totally new theme which was Indian with all its colors and rich culture, giving it a different taste of the East.
Afandina has always been known to have its own identity represented with a twist each year. As for this year, Afandina will have a boho chic theme representing this year’s Ramadan at Palm Garden in Intercontinental City Stars. Already impressed, right? This tent is full of surprises as it will have a variety of entertainment each weekend further celebrating Ramadan and gathering people together for a memorable experience.
The tent will be operating from tomorrow, Sunday April 18th at Palm Garden – Intercontinental City Stars featuring a fusion of oriental entertainment, as well as delicious iftar and suhour. So what are you waiting for? Ramadan with Afandina is all about great vibes and entertainment!