A Scoop of Mosalsalat: The Comparison Between ‘B 100 Wesh’ and ‘La Casa de Papel’ is Sarcastically On-Point!
Timelines across different social media platforms are being bombarded with comics, memes, posts, and tweets that compare Nelly Karim and Asser Yassin’s “B 100 Wesh” to Netflix’s “La Casa De Papel”! Of course, the entire trend is built on sarcasm, as the two projects have absolutely nothing in common, except that they both have gangs that are planning to rob a bank.
The two projects are by all means different, and any comparison that aims to question the originality of “B 100 Wesh” is inaccurate. The two series are under completely different genres, with “B 100 Wesh” being a light comedy, while “La Casa De Papel” is an intense drama/action. Moreover, the stories, the motives, and the characters are completely different as well.
But it’s hilarious to see people making up memes and comparisons about the witty gang led by Asser and Nelly, and the badass one led by Alvaro Morte (El Professor). The series proved to be Ramadan’s biggest hit so far, and it’s the most popular project on Arabs’ lists for Ramadan 2020 series.
Apart from Nelly and Asser’s on-point acting, Kamla Abo Zikry’s unquestionable direction, and the overall light mood of the series are major elements that contributed to the success of the series! Firstly, the show’s theme song “Millionaire” is super catchy and people are playing it on repeat everywhere! Secondly, people are in love with one of the characters in the gang, Seba3y, who is being portrayed by Sherif Desoky, an extremely talented actor who’s added a lot to the series!