Egypt Outranks USA, UK and the Rest of African Countries in Safety
According to the annual Gallup Global Law and Order Egypt was officially named the safest country in Africa. Egypt ranked number 16 out of a total of 135 countries, making it higher in ranking than both USA and UK which ranked 21st and 35th respectively.
Around 148,000 adults were interviewed in 142 countries and areas. The survey involved questions about whether interviewees felt safe at night, whether they have previously experienced cases of theft or assault, and their overall confidence in their local police.

Egypt the same score as the one it got in 2017 and a higher one than what it got back in 2016. The score increased from 82 to 88 out of 100 placing the country in the same rank of countries like Denmark and Austria. Moreover, Singapore ranked the highest, while Venezuela ranked the lowest.