15 Dangerous Things We Need to Stop Doing on the Road in Egypt

It’s so refreshing to see an Egyptian ad that actually has a strong public message. A public service announcement (PSA) has recently been released spotlighting our huge attitude problem when it comes to something that affects each and every one of us when it comes to our daily lives – yes, I’m talking about our attitude problem when it comes to driving.

How many road accidents have occurred and lives lost? Here are just a few terrible driving habits we need to stop in Egypt for our own safety and well-being:



1. Driving with kids on our laps – ridiculously dangerous and irresponsible


2. Driving while texting or talking on the phone – an accident waiting to happen


3. Driving while high at insane speeds, not only putting your own life at risk, but the lives of everyone around you


4. Casually walking in front of speeding cars in order to cross the road


5. Straight up ignoring traffic lights


6. Only putting seat belts on when there’s a police officer around


7. Giving ourselves permission to park in the middle of the street “to go get something quickly”


8. Hitting the gas when the traffic lights are about to turn red


9. Making a left turn when you’re on the far right side of the street at the last second


10. Casually driving in the wrong direction


11. Whenever there’s an accident, the whole street must wait at least 15 minutes until the drivers involved make up


12. Taxis and buses stopping anywhere and anytime to pick someone up


13. Stopping at the scene of an accident just to watch and be nosy


14. Driving in zigzags because driving in a line is too mainstream


15. Slowing down traffic to have a conversation with another car, because screw everyone else



Stop worrying about the car on your left or your right, because if you drive in Egypt, you’re definitely guilty of at least a few of these points! So let’s all start with ourselves.



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Dear Egypt’s Road Authorities, You Killed My Best Friend.
