13 Doughnuts to Devour on International Doughnut Day

There is nothing like a good celebration and what better thing to celebrate than World Doughnut Day. Yes it’s a thing, yes you can celebrate, no we are not judging you!

I love that days like this exist; it only gives us the opportunity to do things we genuinely love, like eating doughnuts; I mean, really, life could be much worse.

To help you celebrate I am going to give you a whole bunch of inspiration on how to make the perfect doughnut, sweet or savory, backed or fried; whichever floats your boat, I have you covered. Lets go!

Let’s start off with a little French since Macron is making waves in the press today…

They call it a French Cruller…


Speaking of young politicians making a mark, here is a little shout out to Canada while I’m at it with these Maple Glazed Doughnuts


For chocolate lovers I only have one thing to say to you, Chocolate Old fashioned Doughnuts


And if that wasn’t enough, how do Glazed Chocolate Cake Doughnuts sound


These Lemon Poppy Seed Doughnuts are actually making me consider starting a new profession


And hey, wanna impress your friends or be the envy of them, this will work; Cheesecake Stuffed Cinnamon – Sugar Baked Doughnuts are actually something you can make at home!


Doughnuts have evolved through time, and puff pastry has come in and been used as one of the latest trends, so here is my quick ode to that!


Oh, and Vegan Doughnuts are an actual thing… 


For those that are not looking to take the vegan route, let’s stick to these Jam Doughnuts, shall we


I present to you Chicken Doughnuts


I know Cheddar Jalapeño Green Onion Doughnuts are something you only thought of in your wildest dreams, but yes the Internet has spoken. They are real! 


I know it’s not Christmas, but come on…I say YAS to baked Gingerbread Doughnuts!


And to Custard-Stuffed Doughnuts too! These literally look like heaven


WE SAID THIS: Your’e welcome!
