13 Things That Happen in Mosalsalat That Would Be Super Weird in Real Life

It’s been a little bit over a week in Ramadan and it’s quite impossible to ignore TV shows. They are everywhere you go: restaurants, cafes, malls, work, Facebook and your grandma’s bedroom. Our brains are absorbing so much nonsense via those screens and it has become too difficult to tell real life from fiction.

From waking up looking like a runway model to actually finding real love and a happy ending in a hopeless place, here are 13 classic mosalsalat scenes that would make people think you’re a weirdo in real life.


Turning your back on someone in the middle of the conversation to look out of the window and sigh





Waiting for your turn to say what’s on your mind during a fight. It’s usually random screaming


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A suspenseful music soundtrack while cooking macaroni bechamel






Waking up with flawless eye makeup and not looking like a panda


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Parking a car in your kitchen, but then again it’s Ghada Abdul Raziq. She can do whatever she wants!







 Saying a final heroic line before killing the villain


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‘Etneen lamoon law sama7t.’ Whenever a guy decides what his lady will drink without asking, lectures are always given







Repeat what is being told to you on the phone so everyone understands what’s going on





Thinking of clever lines straight away to tell the bad guy. Not sure about you, but that means tahtaha time for me






Yeah, yeah! Bring us a man who fills a bath with rose petals and has his sahwaka game on






Normal volume speaking in clubs, unlike screaming at each other’s faces in real life


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Looking that good at any time of the day. More like never!






Leaning against the wall and cry. It’s usually in your car, in bed, on phone or with your BFF. Basically anywhere except the wall






WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss out on Find out What’s Happening on Every Ramadan Mosalsal in Less Than 3 Sentences.

