10 Things Only Curly-Haired Girls Will Understand

Girls who naturally have curly hair must fight a daily battle to get their hair to look presentable and sometimes even that doesn’t work.

A day in the life of a girl with curly hair (the struggle is real):



1. An endless series of curly-hair specialized products: shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, frizz eliminators, hair oils and the list goes on






2. Dealing with knots while brushing your hair is probably the worst part. Especially when you leave the brush completely covered with your hair





3. Just when your hair starts to dry, you have that cloud of frizzy hair covering your pretty locks





4. Or it just looks like this





5. At that point, you just kinda give up and throw it into a messy bun


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6. Somehow, it looks really good when you let it loose again


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7. But just wait 10 minutes and it’ll explode





8. You will try to fix it with a brush, which goes against the number one rule for curls: “Never brush curly hair when dry”





9. Run for the hair straightener and end up like this






10. Cancel your outing and spend the day looking for curly hair solutions




WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Summer Hair Accessories That Are Easy to Make
