You’ll Never Complain about Gas Prices in Egypt after Seeing the Rest of the World’s Prices
As everyone in Egypt complains about the rising gas prices, we thought we’d help put things into perspective for our beloved population when it comes to international petrol costs.
If you think we have it rough, here are some countries with lower gas prices (you could move to them) and the rest of the world with much higher prices per liter.
As of today, Egypt’s petrol costs approximately 40 cents (2.60 LE for petrol 92), making it the 12th cheapest country per liter, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t countries that are still enjoying all those government subsidies, like:
Venezuela: $0.01 per liter
Syria: $0.06 per liter
Libya: $0.12 per liter
Saudi Arabia: $0.16 per liter
Turkmenistan: $0.23 per liter
Kuwait: $0.25 per liter
Bahrain: $0.27 per liter
Algeria: $0.27 per liter
Qatar: $0.28 per liter
Iran: $0.28 per liter
Oman: $0.32 cents per liter
Sudan: $0.36 cents per liter
As for those living in the rest of the world, here are some painstakingly high prices:
UK: $2.22 per liter
Iceland: $2.23 per liter
Hong Kong: $2.24 per liter
Portugal: $2.25 per liter
Finland: $2.25 per liter
Belgium: $2.25 per liter
Israel: $2.25 per liter
Greece: $2.37 per liter
Turkey: $2.40 per liter
Denmark: $2.44 per liter
Netherlands: $2.55 per liter
Italy: $2.55 per liter
Norway: $2.62 per liter
WE SAID THIS: Check out the price of cigarettes around the world here.