This Is How You Could Win A Chance To Travel With The Famous #FollowMeTo Couple

I have followed this couple on all their mind blowing journeys around the world but this time travel bloggers Murad Osmann and his beautiful significant other Nataly Osmann are giving you the chance to join them on a trip to the ‘most romantic place on earth’.

I am already packing my bags but hold up for a second like everything, nothing comes that easy. The #FollowMeTo couple have given very clear instruction on how to take part in this V-Day gift for two and here they are.



Now it all seems pretty clear and yes they have given you up till the 24th of Feb to apply but please note that it has only been one hour since this was launched and they have already received over 114 applications so this is not going to be an easy one folks.

Just in case you are confused as to who this duo is that is making you doubt yourself for picking your plus one tonight, here are a couple of their latest posts from their trip to Dubai a couple weeks ago.


The famous Burj El Arab hotel.. 


A stroll in the desert 



A view of Dubai’s sky scrapers..  



They make it look so easy… but here is how that shot was actually made



We Said This: Get on this now, I have been following these two since they were still dating and trust me this will not be a disappointment. 


