Heartbreaks From The Region: Five Break-Up Stories With The Oddest Endings
Breakups are tough, no matter if you are the dumper or the dumpee; it’s an experience with its own share of drama and tears. So that you’re not sitting there asking yourself, ‘why me?’ we are here to tell you that you are not alone with some of these outrageous break up stories.
The Blocker à la Radwa Sherbiny Style

One time, I fell head over heels over a guy who used to attend my gym and after dating for a bit, we immediately got engaged. During that time, I was able to nab a job as a lawyer in a prominent firm in Cairo and was pretty good at it. Ever since then, my fiancé would come up to me and ask to borrow money, giving different reasons each time. There was even one time when he told me that he had an emergency surgery so I ended up transferring a big bulk to his bank account. Heard of the the Tinder Swindler? Well, fast forward a couple of weeks, out of nowhere, he blocked me and totally disappeared…I never got my money or my heart back.
– Yasmine
The Fridge Conundrum
I had the cliché love story of getting engaged to my high school sweetheart. We had been together for 10 years and I always had the feeling that she was the one. Fast forward to the days leading up to our wedding and that is when things took a sad and unexpected turn. Picture this, my mum and her mum in the kitchen having a full fledged argument over which type of fridge we need to buy. It got so bad that our two mums couldn’t bear being in the same room with each other for more than a minute. That is when we decided to call of the wedding. Imagine, an entire 10 year relationship ending over a fridge!
– Youssef
The Phone-Call

My boyfriend and I were going through a very tough patch after 6 months of dating. We would fight everyday about the stupidest things and wouldn’t be able to even spend time with each other. I knew that our relationship had an expiry date, I just didn’t know when it would be officially over. To my surprise, the way it ended was through a phone call and get this, my boyfriend wasn’t the one on other end of the line. He instead had his friend call and break up with me and refused to get on the phone to talk it out.
– Mariam
The Wasted Plane Ticket
Long distance relationships are hard work but my girlfriend and I made it work. For a while, I was saving up to buy a plane ticket to see her and the moment I saved up enough money for a ticket, I travelled to Dubai. At the gate, instead of getting a hug, she just stood there, arms slumped and said “we need to break up”. Thing is, the ticket was non-refundable so I ended up getting stuck in a foreign country, heartbroken and alone for an entire week.
– Fouad
The Best Friend

We had been dating for a couple of months and then one day out of nowhere, he called me and said we need to talk. We met up at a restaurant and he immediately went on about how he has been dating me out of guilt and how throughout our entire relationship, he was falling for my best friend who get this… isn’t even single! That wasn’t the end of it though as he also decided to officially break up with me then and there.
– Nadine
No matter how it happens, breaking up is not pretty but at least you can have comfort knowing that you’re not alone.