UAE Changes ‘Special Needs’ Label to ‘People of Determination’

As kids, we used to dream of living in Japan, Paris or the United States. Now, anyone with half a brain dreams of co-existing with fellow Emiratis in the UAE. There is more to Emirates than impressive buildings and technology. The country and its leaders have proved time after time that human rights are not taken lightly.


While most Arab and Middle Eastern countries forget about, or rather ignore, the needs of people with all sorts of disabilities, UAE has taken humanity to a whole new level by deleting the term ‘Special Needs’ and referring to them as ‘people with determination’ instead.


Via Haitham ElSamman


You might wonder what kind of impact such a label has. Well, not only does it emotionally and psychologically support everyone who is struggling, it is a silent call for everyone around the world to stop the bullying; to start treating them as equals and give them a priority; to make their lives easier by taking them into consideration while planning the city’s infrastructure; and to make people understand that not all heroes wear capes.




WE SAID THIS: This is just inspiring, and it saddens us that other parts of the Middle East are ages away from any kind of civilization.
