This Two-Day Hike Is Breaking Stereotypes About Sinai Being a Danger Zone
If you’re a nature lover who doesn’t mind spending a night at the million stars hotel and you’re fit enough to walk around 15km a day, then you’re going to love this. If you love Sinai more than your own hometown and it always pisses you off when you hear all the stereotypes about Sinai being a danger zone, then you’re going to love this even more.

“Sinai is Safe”, organized by Sinai Trail, is back with its fifth event this year. The event will be an organized two-day hike in the heart of Sinai, in the Muzeina desert, on the 16th and 17th of February.
If you haven’t heard about this initiative before, well, “Sinai is Safe” is a grassroots hiking campaign that aims to break all stereotypes regarding Sinai’s safety, especially the interior zone of South Sinai. The campaign that was first launched in October 2014, aims to bring back tourism to support the local Bedouins. It’s the birth of the cooperation between the Bedouin communities, other Egyptians, and hikers from all around the world. So whether you’re an Egyptian or a foreigner, you’re more than welcome to join the adventure. After all, the bigger the group, the more powerful the message and its impact.

The Sinai Trail is the first long distance hiking trail in Egypt, from the Gulf of Aqaba to the highlands of Saint Catherine; as known as the Roof of Egypt. The event will take place in a section of this trail that showcases the beauty of Egyptian wilderness.