This New Store in Garden City Is Revolutionizing the Art Scene in Cairo
If you’ve been following the brilliant products that have been taking the internet by storm lately, well, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you Cairopolitan. This is a brand new concept by designers, Mohamed Shenawy and Ahmed Hefnawy, who found inspiration in the streets of Cairo and turned it into jaw-dropping works of art.

Once you enter the store, it starts feeling like you’re at a contemporary art museum checking out masterpieces rather than checking out products. From Baladi pouches to Rivo cushions, those two young aspiring designers have literally taken product design to a whole new level and visiting their new artsy haven is definitely worth your time.

The high school buddies first came up with Cairopolitan’s concept back in 2006. However, it now became a reality after it recently opened its doors in Garden City only a couple of weeks ago. So if you’re in the neighborhood, make sure to pass by and see how those young talents are branding the city.