The Smart Way to Begin Your Business: Don’t Be A Copy Cat


Maybe copying is part of the learning process which can be a helpful tool on the path to discovering your own style.

Now a days we live in copy-and-paste world, in which you can copy-and-paste someone’s ideas, words and images and pretend for them to be your own; while calling that “your own business”

You know something; this is the prescription of failure! While this may seem like the easy way out, you are skipping the whole learning and understanding process, when understanding is essentially how you grow. While you may temporarily benefit from the shortcut, you just take the last layer without getting all the layers underneath.

The copycat doesn’t know why something looks the way it looks or feels the way it feels, they have nothing to base a future decision on.

Don’t be a copycat, you can never keep up or lead, you end up always in a passive position and follow. That my friend is no way to live.

Like what Sherry El Kilany (My Boss) said before in one of her best tweets: “Why be a Copy, when you can be an Original”

We said this: Get Influenced. But don’t copy.
