Terror in the UK: Far-Right Violence Against Muslims Escalates After Fatal Attack

Back on July 29, what started off as a fun Taylor Swift-themed dance event in Northern England turned into a full-fledged knife attack that left two children killed and nine injured. The suspect, who is said to be a 17-year-old, has been arrested.

Fast forward to today, far-right protests have been targeting UK mosques and migrant hotels, fueled by rumors that the attacker is Muslim.

What Were The Attacks Like?

Those attacks were quite severe: thugs smashed the windows of the Holiday Inn Express, which was housing asylum seekers, started a fire, and threw wood, chairs, and bottles into the hotel.

Along with that, they also attacked mosques with the same severity, smashing windows of houses and cars and even throwing objects at officers.

Beyond targeting mosques and migrant hotels, women wearing the hijab have been victims of death and assault threats as tension has been piling up since the murder case.

Now, Muslims are fearful of going to mosques and even walking the streets of the UK.

Is The Killer Actually Muslim?

According to the National News, the claim that the killer is Muslim is false. It turns out that the suspect, Axel Rudakubana, 17, was born in Wales to Rwandan parents and is, in fact, Christian, not Muslim. He has been charged with three murders and 10 attempted killings.

Despite this information, the attacks have continued, and efforts by the police to make arrests and control the violence have not been successful. Even over the weekend, the situation remained intense, with hundreds of people draped in English flags and chanting anti-Islamic slogans.

It is unclear how the situation will progress in the following days. All that is known is that many Muslims in the UK are currently living in fear.

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